Mating system of dwarf eelgrass
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Mating system of dwarf eelgrass

Mating system of dwarf eelgrass
Mating system of dwarf eelgrass

Seagrasses exhibit extensive clonal growth and kinship structure among neighbouring genets. Zipperle et al. demonstrate a predominantly outcrossing mating system and multiple paternity in the intertidal seagrass Zostera noltii. They find geitonogamy intrinsic to the clonal life-history of Z. noltii, whereas biparental inbreeding is negligible. Pollen dispersal distance matches average clone size; however, natural disturbance in the intertidal habitat potentially selects for small clone sizes increasing relative pollen dispersal distance, thereby indirectly affecting the mating system.


The Annals of Botany Office is based at the University of Oxford.

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