Home » Mapping developmental zones at the root apex using the multiple structural change algorithm

Mapping developmental zones at the root apex using the multiple structural change algorithm

In the root apex, cell length is a function of its position within a cell file. Applying a mathematical approach using a multiple structural change (MSC) algorithm, Pacheco-Escobedo et al. developed a spatial model to identify that the growing part of Arabidopsis root is composed of three discrete developmental zones: the proliferation domain (PD), the transition domain (TD), and the elongation zone (EZ).

Determination of the PD/TD boundary in the CCS52A1:GUS line using the MSC approach
Determination of the PD/TD boundary in the CCS52A1:GUS line using the MSC approach; GUS expression marks the beginning of endoreduplication. (A–J) CCS52A1:GUS expression in wt roots (7 DAS) occurs in the TD and EZ. Yellow rectangles indicate the 95 % CI of the position of the last PD cell estimated by the MSC approach. Scale bar = 50 μm.

The PD and the TD comprise the root apical meristem (RAM). The MSC approach enables unambiguous, rapid, and automated determination of the RAM/ EZ and the PD/TD boundaries. This publicly available tool facilitates root phenotyping of different genetic backgrounds and experimental treatments.

Root Biology Issue This paper is part of the Root Biology Special Issue.


The Annals of Botany Office is based at the University of Oxford.

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