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Phytic Acid

Plants, given a helping hand

I’ve been known to remind my students that just because testing demonstrates presence of e.g. ‘phosphate’ in a soil sample that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s in a form that can be accessed/utilised by plants. And...

Monks collecting alms

Altruistic plants?

There’s been a thoughtfulness* of books recently that reflect on aspects of plant intelligence – e.g. Daniel Chamovitz’s What a Plant Knows, Anthony Trewavas’ Plant Behaviour & Intelligence, Richard Karban’s Plant...


Will a Martian save the Earth?

Plant scientists are essential to help provide solutions to three of the most important current and future threats to mankind’s existence on the planet – food security, water supply and climate change. But as...

80 shades of plants…

Around the world in 80 plants. Stephen Barstow. 2014. Permanent Publications I normally have to request copies of books to review, but for this one I was invited to review a copy. Suitably intrigued by the book’s title...

The Hulk

The Hulk is Green, but is he Organic?

Scotland is to ban GMOs, because there’s more to GMOs than Science. It might sound good, but is it really a way to a more ‘natural’ method of farming? What mutants can you grow in Scotland? View Poll...