Tag - epiphytes

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Plants enjoying the high life

Plants on Plants – The Biology of Vascular Epiphytes by Gerhard Zotz. Springer 2016. Gerhard Zotz’s The biology of vascular epiphytes [hereafter referred to as Epiphytes!] is part of Springer’s Fascinating Life Sciences...

De Aardappeleters / The Potato Eaters.

Every dog has its day

One of the great hopes of the 1980s (and as far back as the 1940s) was that one plant species would be typical of all plants and could be used as a model for the entirety of plant biology. The plant chosen for that...

Lichen Lecanora conizaeoides in German forest

“It’s an ill wind…

… that blows nobody any good” is an old English idiom that suggests that most bad things that happen have a good result for someone, somewhere. And Markus Hauck and colleagues in Göttingen, Germany, have illustrated...

Increased pH and dieback of lichen

Increased pH and dieback of lichen

Increased pH and dieback of lichen Lecanora conizaeoides is an epiphytic lichen adapted to very acidic conditions, and a reduction in atmospheric SO2 in western and central Europe has coincided with a dramatic decline...