Pollination syndromes in Australian epacrids
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Pollination syndromes in Australian epacrids

Pollination syndromes investigated using a multivariate approach based on published literature and field observations.

Pollination syndromes in Australian epacrids
Pollination syndromes in Australian epacrids

Floral diversity in Australian epacrids (Ericaceae: Styphelioideae) suggests that they may be adapted to pollinator type. Johnson investigates epacrid–pollinator relationships using a multivariate approach based on published literature and field observations, and a novel statistical method is used to identify key floral traits per syndrome. Although most epacrids have generalized pollination systems, a correlation between bird pollination and red, long-tubed epacrids is found. Statistical classification highlights the relative importance of each floral attribute in relation to pollinator type and proves useful in classifying epacrids to bird, fly and bee pollination systems.


The Annals of Botany Office is based at the University of Oxford.

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