Home » How notifications on Twitter and Facebook can help you to keep up to date with plant science news

How notifications on Twitter and Facebook can help you to keep up to date with plant science news

We asked our social media-savvy work experience student Alexandra Boliver-Brown to put together a guide for our readers on how to stay up to date with your favourite plant science news site. Incidentally, her favourite plant science news site is AoB Blog. We are not complaining.


The first way to stay up-to-date with your favourite science news site is by liking and following its Facebook page. By simply ‘liking’ the Facebook page, you will periodically see its posts in your news feed. But the best way to ensure that you never miss an update is to turn on ‘notifications’ for the page.

You can do this by clicking on the ‘Following’ button highlighted in the image below. This will bring up the drop-down menu, where you can change where AoBBlog post show up in your news feed (if you are very keen, you can change this to ‘See First’, and AoBBlog posts will appear at the top of your News Feed).

How to set up Facebook alerts

Instead of doing this, I like to turn on notifications by clicking the option highlighted in notifications. This means that every time AoBBlog posts an update, I will receive a notification, which will take me directly to the post. I find this a much more reliable way to make sure I see everything AoBBlog posts.

This is one of my favourite ways to stay up to date because instead of idly scrolling through content I’m not actually that interested in, I can be taken straight to a post I actually want to see!


Similar to Facebook, you can choose to receive a notification whenever a user sends a new tweet. If you are using the desktop Twitter version, you can follow accounts and see tweets in your feed by clicking the follow button. If you want to receive notifications on your phone or tablet whenever that account tweets, you can do this by clicking the three dots next to the follow button and selecting the option ‘Turn on mobile notifications’.

Setting up Twitter alerts

I personally much prefer using twitter on my phone than on a computer, and so I have included screen shots of the same process below (click to enlarge).

On your mobile, once you followed a Twitter account, you will see one or two additional buttons appear . To turn on notifications, click the that looks like a bell. This will bring up a menu, where you can choose which notifications to turn on. By selecting notifications for ‘All Tweets’, I now will receive notifications on my phone the same way I’d receive a text or email notification. Every new blog post on AoBBlog is announced by updates on social media, so by following these steps, you’ll make sure to never miss another post!

Alexandra Boliver-Brown

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